Become A Member

All our friends who come on the Houna portal will have access to the information bank, lists of therapists and wellness centers, podcasts, articles, generic webinars, and the generic support group-101. Visitors who join the Houna family will also have additional benefits:

  1. Free access to
    • Professionally led support groups
    • Peer support groups
  2. Access to two zoom calls per year with Sheikha Majda
  3. Discount on services offered by our wellness partners (yoga, treatments, PT sessions, nutrition, massages...) Subject to the individual centers offers and their T&Cs
  4. Free first-time sessions and discounts on psychometric testing subject to our therapist partners terms and conditions and Subject to the individual centers offers and their T&Cs
  5. Discounts/free entry to annual physical or virtual events and retreats, pop up events, events with partners and retreats
  6. Discounts on all products on the Houna ecommerce platform, access to special bespoke items and early access to sale
  7. Direct emails and/or /WhatsApp closed groups to update members on activities, conferences, training

Register as a member

Price / Year : $ 240.00


Website Content
Support Group
Private Event

(with sm)

annual event

$ 240.00

1 access

Support Group

Website Content
Support Group
5 Sessions
20% discount
on 1 workshop
Private Event

(with sm)

annual event

$ 240.00


Access To SG

Website Content
Support Group
20 Sessions
1 workshop access
valid for 1 year
Private Event

(with sm)

20% discount
to 1 event

$ 240.00



Website Content
Support Group
Private Event

(with sm)

annual event

$ 240.00