Aaron Cooper

Senior Physiotherapist BSc., MSc.
I am a senior musculoskeletal physiotherapist with over 11 years of clinical experience 
over 11 years
Adolescents & Adults

I am a senior musculoskeletal physiotherapist with over 11 years of clinical experience in the United Kingdom and Kuwait, with a special interest in spine-related conditions. Over the course of my career, I have developed excellent skills in manual therapy, dry needling, taping, manipulation, and massage techniques. I am also a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist. Using my skills and expertise, I design personalized treatment plans to assess, diagnose, and treat patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, particularly those who have had a previous unsatisfying treatment experience. As a manual therapist, my therapeutic programs are based primarily on manual therapy, dry needling (according to each patient’s needs), and soft tissue release/massage.

Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions

Neck & Shoulder Injuries

Manual Therapy & Manipulation

Dry Needling