Marie Abdel Ahad

Clinical Psychologist - Psychotherapist
Mrs. Marie Abdel-Ahad, is a Clinical Psychologist-Psychotherapist (with more than 10 years of experience). Licensed from the Ministry of Public Health...
over 12 years
المراهقين & الكبار
زور الموقع

Mrs. Marie Abdel-Ahad, is a Clinical Psychologist-Psychotherapist (with more than 10 years of experience). Licensed from the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon as clinical Psychologist.

Studied Master in clinical psychology from Saint Joseph University in Beirut.

Certified from Saint- Anne Hospital France and Hospital de la croix in CBT.

Trained as therapist, supervisor and Trainer in Narrative exposure Therapy from Dignity Institute. She participated in the study and paper research about NET. Did training for more than 100 psychologists and psychiatrists in Mena Region in NET.

She is certified as trainer from Ministry of Public health in Emotional Crisis Management and Psychological First Aid

Certified from John Hopkins University in CETA (Common Element Treatment approach) for Adult and Child

Certified in IPT Therapy From Colombia University and Ministry of Public Health.

In 2021 she started a Diploma in Eating Disorder at American University of Beirut (till present).

She did trainings with Centre of Victims of Torture in USA in the following trainings: Ambiguous Loss. Clinical Boundaries and Clinical supervision course.

In 2021 and till present she started EMDR training (project under Ministry of Public Health and EMDR Lebanese Association) (actually last level). EMDR is accredited by EMDR Lebanon Association and EMDR Europe.