ADHD is known to be one of the most common disorders diagnosed in children.
A diagnosis of ADHD means having a persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity prior to the age of 12 years. These symptoms affect the child’s life negatively in different aspects such as school, home, and social situations and relationships. ADHD occurs in 5.9% of youths, and 2.5% of adults, which can cost billions of dollars worldwide.
When a child with ADHD reaches adulthood, they maintain very similar symptoms as do children, however, some symptoms can subside as they grow older. For example, hyperactivity can decrease in some people, but inattentiveness will increase. This can lead to an adult experiencing frustration, especially with work as it can heavily disrupt their performance.
If you feel like you may have been experiencing symptoms of ADHD, as an adult you may seek help from a qualified Psychologist and Psychiatrist, who will be able to assess, diagnose, and guide you to the best plans and strategies to tackle your symptoms
There are 3 main subtypes of ADHD which are:
Impulsive and hyperactive: dominant symptoms are behavioral in nature, mostly focused on the person’s behavior without attention problems.
Inattentive and distractible: dominant symptoms are mostly focused on a person’s attention and distractibility, without the hyperactivity.
Combined type: Also the most common type, symptoms include a combination of both types of ADHD mentioned above
The main causes of ADHD are unknown, however there are several risk factors associated with ADHD. Such risk factors include some of the following:
There are many misconceptions when it comes to sugar and sweets, too much television causing ADHD. Research does not support this view at all, they can however in some situations increase or worsen the symptoms.
It’s also important to note that ADHD comes with co-existing conditions. ADHD does not cause the conditions, however, they are likely to also have other conditions such as:
The symptoms display differently with each individual person. Therefore symptoms are categorized into 2 types of problems: Inattentiveness, and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Some of the typical signs of each type are as follows
As mentioned earlier, symptoms that appear on each individual differ, and depending on the subtype of ADHD a person can have a combination of symptoms. This can also change over time, for example a person may develop symptoms of inattentiveness, and lose the hyperactivity as they get older.
The first step to diagnosing any mental health condition is to exclude any possible physical conditions.
A diagnosis requires a qualified professional to examine the individual
Only trained healthcare providers (such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or pediatrician) can diagnose and/or treat any mental health condition. There are no direct single test or assessment to diagnose ADHD, therefore healthcare providers must take a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s life to determine a diagnosis.
They look for a persistent pattern of 5-6 of the symptoms, for at least 6 months, and that there is a significant impact on daily life activities, such as school, work, and social circles. In the case of children and adolescents, they may take reports from the child's family and teachers. It is also the duty of the mental health professional to diagnose any other mental health conditions that are possibly present.
Treatment may require longer-term treatment and can be tackled by medication, and psychotherapy. Common Treatment Methods for ADHD are as follows
Psychotherapy: while by itself, it may not be an effective treatment for ADHD, it can however help to mitigate other symptoms that may come due to living with the condition such as low self-esteem, and feeling of helplessness.
Behavior Therapy: The goal is to eliminate unwanted behaviors, and strengthen positive behaviors. This would be usually done in environments that are familiar to the individual, such as at home, school, workplace, and others.
In educational settings for children, Behavior therapy (and many other forms of therapy) can be combined alongside educational goals with the use of therapy tools.
Therapy tools are important as they help successfully teach students with psychiatric disorders or learning conditions. Examples of these therapy tools can be:
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: The goal of CBT treatment is to eliminate negative, and irrational patterns of thinking for other symptoms that come due to living with the condition. Some individuals may have unhealthy internal dialogues, and CBT helps to eliminate those thought patterns. CBT has been shown to be an effective form of psychological treatment and is used to intervene with a wide range of conditions and problems
Healthy diet and lifestyle: Research suggests that developing a consistently healthy diet, adequate sleep, and exercise plan can play a big factor in mitigating symptoms and improving the overall quality of life
Medications: Works best in combination with an appropriate and individualized therapy, there are several kinds of medications that work for ADHD such as: